As summer temperatures rise, it’s important to always keep skin safety in mind during your and your child’s outdoor adventures. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, while one of the best parts of this season, can also be harmful to your child if proper precautions aren’t taken. Here are a few simple ways to beat the summer heat and stay safe out in the sun:



No matter your child’s skin tone or pigmentation, sunscreen is an absolute must! Pediatric experts recommend using a sunscreen lotion with a SPF of at least 30 and applying it 30 minutes before direct sun exposure. It’s important also to remember to reapply throughout the day, especially if your child has gone swimming, as it may break down the sunscreen more quickly!



Outside of the dangers of burning and skin damage, summer heat can also cause dehydration. Make sure your child stays hydrated throughout the day with regular water breaks, particularly during active play, to ensure they stay energized and healthy.


Wear Appropriate Apparel

Light, breathable clothing is the best choice during hot summer as it reduces your child’s risk of overheating while protecting against harsh UV rays. Sunglasses, wide-brimmed hats, or even long-sleeved t-shirts are also appropriate if you’re concerned about prolonged sun exposure or your child’s complexion is more prone to sunburn.


Take Breaks in the Shade

While you and your child likely want to enjoy the sunshine as much as possible this summer, it’s important to also take breaks in the shade to reduce direct sunlight exposure. 10 AM until 4 PM are usually considered the hottest parts of the day when the sun’s rays are strongest, so consider encouraging play in shaded areas during these times!

Staying safe in the summer sun is important for everyone, regardless of age. By preparing for outdoor time with plenty of water, sunscreen, and protective clothing options, you and your child can enjoy the sunny outdoors carefree all summer long!