Children 18 months-2 1/2 years old

Children in our toddler programs will work on developing their independence. Our caregivers support and encourage toddlers by allowing them to explore the limits of their abilities through social interactions and developmentally appropriate activities. Teachers will begin to work with children on recognizing their colors and shapes and developing their large and small motor skills through play.

Jennifer Nuffer,
Wee 1’s Lead Teacher

Jen has been with Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center since 2018. She has over 180 hours of Child Development training and more than ten years of experience working with children.

Jen firmly believes that children learn best through play. She actively encourages, supports, and acknowledges each child through positive daily interactions. By providing developmentally appropriate materials and experiences, Jen creates an effective play-based curriculum that stimulates learning. She engages children in activities such as music, dance, storytelling, and messy art to support creative development.

She believes that God has called upon her to teach and lead. By setting a positive example and letting His love shine through her, she hopes to guide others in their growth toward God. Apart from teaching, Jen loves reading and spending time outdoors with her family, including her two young daughters.

Monica Newlin,
2Cute Lead Teacher

Monica has been with Heaven’s Elect since 2020. She has taken Child Development classes at Delta College and has over eight years of experience working with children.

For toddlers, it is crucial to provide a stimulating atmosphere where they can learn and grow. They must be given the space and time to explore and discover the world around them with their caregivers’ gentle, caring guidance. Her favorite part about teaching is watching the children’s excitement when they accomplish something new.

Monica’s mom greatly influenced her relationship with God growing up, and now she enjoys passing on these stories and lessons to the children in her class.

When she’s not occupied with our two-year-olds, Monica travels the state with her husband. Together, they like to pick a town they’ve never been to and explore. They also love choosing a different country and visiting it “remotely” by trying various recipes and listening to music from other places. Afterward, they mark it on the world map they display in their house.