Facing Separation Anxiety

Every parent knows the familiar feeling of fear and uncertainty when they drop their child off at childcare for the very first time – Will they be safe? Will they make friends? Will they have fun? Will they miss me? These fears are completely normal and, for the most part, will be resolved once you get into a childcare routine and see how your child thrives! But what about children who have separation anxiety and are having trouble being away from you all day?

Try out a few of these ideas to face separation anxiety:

Start preparing early

Separation anxiety often stems from fear of the unknown or a break in a pre-established routine. Both you and your child might experience this! That’s why it can be helpful to start preparing for childcare early. Get your child (and yourself) in the habit of packing a lunch every day, getting up at a certain time, or even driving by the childcare center. This helps ease the first day nerves a little bit and makes the transition much easier.

Make goodbyes into a “see you later”

As a child, having a parent say goodbye can be frightening at first, and they may not immediately understand that you will be coming back for them later! Try to make your goodbye routine as cheerful as possible to help put your child’s fears at rest. Tell them that you’ll see them later, and maybe even mention your plans for that evening like what you’ll have for dinner or the movie you’ll watch. This provides peace of mind that their time at childcare is temporary, not permanent.

Hype up childcare

Children are surprisingly good at reading their parent’s body language, and they likely will pick up if you are nervous or stressed about dropping them off at childcare! It can be helpful to hype up your child’s childcare routine to give them something to be excited about – talk about the playground they’ll have access to, the fun crafts they’ll do, etc. This can turn those nerves to anticipation and help ease any anxiety they might be facing.

Show interest in their day

It might take several days, or even weeks, to completely move past separation anxiety, so it’s important to have a plan in place to ease this transition as much as possible! Investing in your child’s childcare experience by asking about their day, what they did, how they liked their teachers, etc. can help to establish childcare as a normal part of their routine.

Separation anxiety is normal for every child and parent starting their childcare journey. The good news is that it won’t last forever, and with these handy tips you can help to ensure both you and your little one are as prepared for the childcare experience as possible!

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland childcare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.

Childcare Safety Checklist

Choosing a childcare provider might feel a little overwhelming at first. After all, your child will be spending several hours a day here, potentially for several years! It’s only natural for you to want peace of mind that safety is a top priority at your chosen childcare center.


While it might seem self-explanatory, it’s important to ensure that your childcare center utilizes proper and thorough sanitation procedures. This means cleaning toys and utensils after use, having a designated changing table, and making sure all children wash their hands thoroughly throughout the day.

These simple processes can go a long way in making sure your child, and other children at the center, stay safe, clean, and healthy!

First Aid

It’s essential that your childcare providers are trained in CPR and first aid processes. Double check that there are policies in place in case a child starts choking, and that there is a first aid kit readily available for cuts and scrapes. If your child has any medical conditions that require a childcare provider to administer medications during the day, make sure there’s a safe and child-proofed cabinet where this medication can be stored.


Every childcare facility should be thoroughly childproofed and safe for the little ones being cared for there. This means having protected electrical outlets, dangerous cleaning supplies locked away, and no sharp or potentially dangerous objects in reach of the children. This minimizes the risk of accidents and creates a safe space for children to learn and play.

Emergency Procedures

While it’s unlikely that there will be any real emergencies at your childcare center, it’s important that they have prepared for these scenarios in advance! Tornado and fire drills, as well as lockdown procedures, are essential to ensuring that your child will be safe and cared for no matter what.

Choosing the right childcare center doesn’t have to be scary! Childcare providers are often engaging and passionate about making sure your child is safe and provided for every moment that they’re in their care.

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland childcare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.

Safety Tips for Children

As a parent, your child’s safety is your top priority, especially if they’re ever out of your sight! It’s never too early to start teaching your children age-appropriate safety tips as they gradually gain more independence – walking to the bus stop, starting school, going to friends’ houses, etc. Here is a list of a few key safety tips to start chatting about with your children:

Stranger Danger

One of the first, and most important safety tips for children is introducing “stranger danger.” Make sure your child knows who is considered a close friend or family member, and who is considered a stranger. This includes making sure your child knows that, even if someone is friendly toward them, they are still a stranger and they shouldn’t be approaching them or offering them anything!

Bodily Autonomy

It’s never too soon to start teaching your child that they are the boss of their own body! Sometimes this can be as simple as letting them know that they can say, “no” to a hug or high-five if they don’t know someone or are uncomfortable around them. Teaching age-appropriate bodily autonomy helps to develop independence and a better understanding of personal bodily safety.

Establish Trusted Adults

It’s important to establish who is, and is not, a trusted adult with your child. This is typically 3-5 adults who your child knows well, trusts, and is comfortable around. This makes it easier for your child to know who to turn to if they are feeling uncomfortable or unsafe at any point in time.

Asking for Help

Learning how to safely ask for help is key for children at every age. This can include making sure they know what phone numbers to call, who to look for if they are lost, and what to say if someone is making them uncomfortable and they need to seek safety.

These are just a few of many safety tips to start working through with your children. While these can feel like scary or overwhelming lessons, they are critical to keeping your child safe. Practice scenarios with your child to make sure they are comfortable, and don’t be afraid to have frank and honest conversations with them about potential dangers – kids are stronger than you think!

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland childcare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.

Childcare Selection Checklist

Dropping your little one off at childcare, whether it’s your first time or your 100th time, can be a little scary. Knowing your child is safe, cared for, and happy can go a long way in making this process as seamless and routine as possible, and it can take a lot of planning and research! Here’s a simple checklist of things to do before selecting the right childcare for you and your family:

Solidify Your Non-Negotiables

Each child, and family, has unique needs and preferences, and that’s completely okay! As a parent you want the absolute best for your child, and you want to guarantee that they’ll be safe and happy throughout the day while you’re at work. Before researching childcare centers, compile a list of your absolute non-negotiables in a childcare center – what are you looking for? What type of setting is ideal? What distance works best for you? Deciding these things early on can help you narrow down your options during the research phase.


Childcare centers can vary greatly from each other – some are faith-based, some include options for numerous age groups, some offer payment plans, etc. The key is finding the right fit for you! Research local childcares that meet your expectations and price point, take recommendations from family and friends, and compile a list of your top choices. It can be useful to rank them as well!

Visit Facilities

Visiting a childcare facility is the best way to get a feel for where your child will be staying, the structure of their day, who they will be working with, etc. During your visit, don’t be shy! Ask questions about policies and procedures, get to know the childcare center workers, and inquire about the curriculum or daily structure. Seeing other children within this space gives you a better idea of how your child may or may not fit in with that particular center.

Choosing the right childcare center doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task – these are people who are passionate about working with little ones and providing top-quality care for your child! With a little planning, researching, and visiting, you can have peace of mind that you’ve chosen the perfect childcare center for your family.

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland childcare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.

Benefits of Play in Your Child’s Development

Play is a well-known necessity for children of all ages, and it’s beneficial to choose a childcare center that prioritizes the role of play in your child’s development. Heaven’s Elect is particularly passionate about offering opportunities for your child to engage in play and hands-on activities throughout their day to encourage social interaction, self-expression, and creativity!

Problem-Solving Skills

Believe it or not, play is just as educational as it is fun for kids! Free play allows children to learn how to think critically, make decisions, and understand concepts like cause and effect. As your child gets older, these skills strengthen over time, especially with more structured play and activities like completing puzzles or playing number games.

Social Interactions

Play is one of the key ways that children begin to interact with each other and is a crucial way to begin developing social skills! Playing and interacting with other children helps build language and vocabulary skills, and encourages soft skills like sharing, overcoming conflicts or disagreements, and forming important bonds and friendships.

Physical Health

Children often have a lot of built up energy. Engaging in play, especially outdoors with free reign to move around, helps to release some of this energy, leading to better stress management and less outbursts or restlessness later in the day. Additionally, as your child gets older and engages in more structured forms of play, like sports or dance, they begin to learn healthy exercise habits that can carry on into adulthood!

Senses & Creativity

Activities like playing in the sandbox, drawing, or making shapes with playdough are all excellent ways that children can engage with their senses and enhance their creativity. Sensory play leads to enhanced cognitive skills, like being able to identify different colors, shapes, and textures. While building these fine motor skills your child will also be able to expand their imagination and memory capacity!

While every child engages in play differently, it remains a crucial part of their development over time! Making time and space in your child’s day, both at home and in childcare or school, for activities that bring your child joy and help them release their energy can be massively beneficial as they learn, grow, and thrive.

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland childcare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.

Transitioning Back to Childcare After Holiday Break

Transitioning back to a regular childcare routine after all the hustle and bustle of the holidays can feel overwhelming at times. Your child may have gotten used to more lenient wake-up times and bedtimes, they may have been overstimulated by relatives and boisterous holiday gatherings, and they may be used to having a little less structure throughout the day. All of these things are perfectly normal, but there are ways to make this transition a little smoother!

Start Talking About Childcare in Advance

Part of making the transition back to childcare easier is making it feel more normal for your child. Often, talking about the transition can help! Remind your child in advance that they have childcare to look forward to soon, ask them how they’re feeling about it, talk through some of their worries if they don’t seem overly excited about it, and try to identify some things with your child that they are looking forward to.

Restart the Routine Early

Try setting up a more structured bedtime and wake-up time a few days in advance to help your child readjust to the structure they may not have had over the holidays. Try practicing getting them dressed and ready earlier in the day and having a routine lunch or snack time that will help them prep for their daily routine at childcare.

Plan a Trip to the Playground

Often, over the holidays your child may not be in constant daily contact with other kids their age, and they may have gotten used to a certain amount of attention or independence because of this. While it may be a little chilly this month, taking a mini trip to the playground can help your child readjust to interacting and playing with other children, which will make the transition to childcare a little smoother. Even better, make it a playdate with one of their friends from childcare!

Practice Patience

It’s normal for your child to be nervous or moody about going back to childcare, and it’s normal for you as a parent to feel overwhelmed by that! Practice patience with yourself and your child throughout the transition and give yourself and them some grace to struggle a little bit – before you know it, childcare will feel like a normal routine again.

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland childcare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.

Christmas Break Activities

With Christmas break right around the corner, many parents will be looking for some fun activities for their children. Here are a few you could give a try:


Create a snowman 

Even a little snow is an opportunity to sculpt a snowman using the traditional carrot nose and button eyes. Or you can be creative and craft your snowman out of unique material. If there is no snow, build an indoor snowman using pillows or cotton balls. The important part is to have fun and use your imagination.


Craft a tree 

You might have a real Christmas tree or a pre-lit artificial beauty to put presents under, but why stop there? Put your craft skills to work and create a holiday tree by cutting a tree and decorations out of unused material or making a tree out of holiday photos and cards on a wall. 


Organize a cookie swap

Is your home filled with the aroma of fresh cookies? Your neighbors’ houses probably are too. Share some holiday goodies by hosting a neighborhood cookie swap. This event lets you spread cheer, share recipes, and taste a variety of tasty cookies!


Read a story by the tree 

Everyone loves the Christmas tree, and what better place to gather the kids for a story. Of course, there are old favorites, like The Grinch Who Stole Christmas or The Night Before Christmas, but why not visit the bookstore and try some new Christmas-themed books? You might discover a new favorite bedtime story.


Hold a tacky Christmas sweater contest 

Ugly Christmas sweaters have become almost as much a tradition as the Christmas tree or wreath. A “tacky Christmas sweater” party is a perfect way for family and friends to show off their fun finds. And don’t forget to include long-distance loved ones via Zoom or FaceTime!


Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland childcare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please get in touch with us at heavenselect.com. 

Benefits of Childcare for Childhood Development

The decision to send your little one to childcare can be a difficult one, no matter their age! You may be weighing the pros and cons of whether childcare is the best fit for your family and researching different options in the area that best align with your goals and values. Here are five of the top reasons that childcare can be beneficial to your child’s emotional, social, and behavioral development.

Consistent Routine

Childcare is an excellent way to incorporate daily routines into your child’s life. Their day follows a regular schedule with structured time for snacking, napping, playing, etc. Not only does this make it easier to maintain a routine in your child’s life at home, but it can also regulate their behavior day-to-day, including when you pick them up.

Social Development

Children flourish best when they have consistent and healthy social interaction, and childcare is a wonderful place to foster this! Important skills like manners, sharing, communication, and friendship are encouraged when your child interacts with other children and childcare workers daily.

Physical Health

Believe it or not, childcare has been linked to more positive physical health for children of all ages! Not only are little ones’ immune systems strengthened by constant interaction with others, but they are also given the opportunity to engage in consistent play and outdoor activities that can be massively beneficial for building a healthy lifestyle early.


Transitioning from spending all day every day with your child to routinely dropping them off at childcare can be a difficult one, but it can also be instrumental to their development as they begin to experience independence and autonomy! Your child will learn basic skills like putting their coat on themselves, cleaning up after snack time, etc. and take over many of the daily tasks you may be used to performing as their parent. This is an important stage in their development into a self-sufficient adult.

Easing Transition to School

No matter what age your little one is, they will one day transition into some form of out-of-home program or experience. Starting your child in childcare earlier in life has been shown to ease the transition into later programs such as Kindergarten and grade school. Mastering routines and communication styles can make it much easier for your child to ease into less laid-back school settings because they’ve already developed basic skills.

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland childcare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.