Why Children Need Play and Recess at School

Breaks are a welcome downtime for both children and teachers. A structured, rigorous academic schedule is necessary for teachers to teach and children to learn. However, a good source of learning also takes place during recess, allowing children to do what they want (to an extent) in an unstructured, safe environment. Here’s why:

Hard work in short stretches is better

Work that includes breaks and downtime proves more effective than working in long stretches. Children tend to be less able to process information the longer they are held to a task. It’s not enough to switch from math to English. You have to take a mental break.

Recess reduces stress

Playing is a great way for children to take a break and let go of negative feelings and regain control. Recess is a way for children to focus on creative thinking, which allows them to forget what is troubling them. They are much happier after unstructured play, which helps to improve their behavior, increasing participation in the classroom, and be a better listener.

Recess develops social skills

A recess may be the only time during the day when children have an opportunity to experience socialization and real communication. Playtime’s benefits extend beyond the physical. It helps children practice conflict resolution through unstructured play.

Exercise is healthy

While many children suffer from obesity, children at healthy weight levels benefit from physical activity as well. Outside is the best place for children to burn calories, practice emerging physical skills, and experience the pure joy of movement. Additionally, natural light improves wellness, which is vital to the immune system and makes us feel better.

Gym class is not recess

There needs to be a distinction between the two. While gym class offers children a chance to stretch their legs and get their heart rate up, it is still considered instructional time. It is a class with very different goals from those of the unstructured downtime of a recess. Likewise, it’s important to let children play what they want. Playground monitors shouldn’t try to organize groups to play a structured game. When it’s structured, it’s not a break in the day.

At Heaven’s Elect, we practice fun and safe recess time outdoors when the weather is cooperative.  When it’s not cooperating, we take breaks indoors and still manage to have a good time.

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center and Daycare is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland daycare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.

Tactics For Dealing With Tantrums

Tantrums are a frustrating part of parenthood. However, as strange as it may seem, tantrums are normal. They are a part of children’s development, allowing them to express themselves if they are angry, frustrated, or upset.

Tantrums are common during the second year of life when language skills are starting to develop. Because toddlers can’t yet speak using many words to express what they want, feel, or need, frustration may cause a tantrum. As language skills improve, outbursts tend to decrease. Here are some helpful techniques to remember if your children are close to, or in the middle of a tantrum:

  • Keep your cool when responding to a tantrum. Don’t complicate the problem with your frustration or anger. Since your job is helping your child learn to calm down, you need to be calm too.
  • Do your best to understand why your child is upset. If your child is tired or hungry, it’s time for a nap or a snack. Sometimes, you may need to provide comfort. Other times, its best to ignore an outburst or distract your children with a new activity.
  • If a tantrum is to get attention from parents, one of the best ways to counter this behavior is to ignore it. If a tantrum happens after your child is refused something, you need to stay calm. Don’t give a lot of explanations why your child can’t have what he or she wants. Move on to another activity with your children.
  • If a tantrum happens after your child is told to do something he or she does not want to do, it’s best to ignore the tantrum. But be sure that you follow through on having your children complete the task after they are calm.
  • If a safety issue is involved and your child repeats the behavior after being told to stop, use a time-out for several minutes. Be consistent and don’t give in on safety issues.
  • Preschoolers and older children are more likely to use tantrums to get their way if they’ve learned that this behavior works. For school-age children, it’s appropriate to send them to their rooms to cool off while paying little attention to the behavior.

As parents, we want to do everything we can to help our children feel better and good about themselves. But it is important to remember not reward your children’s tantrum by giving in. This action will only prove to your little ones that the outburst was effective. Instead, after the tantrum storm has passed, verbally praise your children for regaining control. Use statements such as “I like how you calmed down.”

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center and Daycare is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland daycare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.

Why Do Children Most Misbehave Around Their Moms?

All primary caregivers of young children are blessed with moments that may not be a “blessing.” These activities can include whining, high-pitched shrieking, and being witness to catastrophic temper tantrums over virtually nothing. They are also familiar with cleaning vomit, diapers, and rushing to bandage scraped knees. We work through these tough moments because we love our children. But why does it seem that children are the most misbehaved when they’re around their mothers?

Children behave differently to get the attention they crave

If your children seem to be prone to throwing fits and generally not listening, you’ve likely been shocked when others rave about their good behavior. Maybe it’s the babysitter reporting that your children were perfect angels and ready for bed by 8:00 p.m. sharp. Or maybe their teacher has nothing but good things to say about their listening skills and interactions with other children. Do you ever wonder who on earth this is that they’re talking about? Because they certainly can’t be yours. The reason – children naturally act up to get the attention of those they love most.

Children save the best and worst for us

Children’s true selves come out with parents. It takes energy to be good and follow the rules, especially for young children. When they get home, they let it all out. The good news is that their most profound love, affection, admiration, and goofiness are reserved for you, too.

Why does their worst side show most often in front of mom?

Your children act up more in front of you because they feel comfortable, safe, and supported. If you think about it, you don’t like to display your worst self in front of strangers. You likely reserve the breakdowns for your spouse, close siblings, or your mom. The same goes for your children. You make them feel loved and secure to know you’re still going to love them unconditionally even when misbehaving in front of you.

All in all, there are going to be moments of childhood chaos reserved only for you. But there are also going to be moments when your children shine the brightest for you, and those moments make all the screams, tantrums, and fiascos worth it.

Heaven’s Elect Christian Learning Center and Daycare is a Non-denominational Christian childcare center fully licensed by the state of Michigan. Our Midland daycare center has been serving the community since 2000. Please contact us at heavenselect.com.

Outdoor Water Safety Tips

Keeping your children safe around water is tricky but important. Water activities are a huge draw for families seeking summer-time fun or relief from the heat. Children need constant supervision around water—whether the water is in a bathtub, a wading pool, an ornamental fish pond, a swimming pool, a spa, or a lake.

Drowning can happen where you’d least expect it

Believe it or not, accidental drowning can occur in a sink, toilet bowl, fountains, buckets, inflatable pools, or in small bodies of standing water around your home such as ditches filled with rainwater. Always watch children closely when they’re in or near any water. Young children can drown in less than two inches of water.

Don’t assume that a child who knows how to swim isn’t at risk for drowning

All children need to be supervised in the water, no matter the depth of their swimming skills. Infants, toddlers, and weak swimmers should have an adult swimmer within arm’s reach to provide “touch supervision.” Children four years old and over should learn to be comfortable in the water. If you’re not a swimmer yourself, it’s a good idea to take lessons and learn how to swim.

Install a secure fence around the perimeter of your home pool

Having a fence that surrounds the pool and is situated between the water and your house is the best safety investment you can make to help prevent pool-related drownings. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), fences should meet these standards:

  • Fences should stand at least 4 feet (130 centimeters) high with no foot or handrails for children to climb on.
  • The slats should be less than 4 inches (110 millimeters) apart so a child can’t get through, or if chain link, should have no opening larger than 1¾ inches (50 millimeters).
  • Gates should be self-closing and self-latching, and the latch should be out of children’s reach.

Choose a proper-fitting life vest approved by the U.S. Coast Guard

For children younger than five years old, choose a vest with a strap between the legs and head support. The collar will keep the child’s head up and face out of the water. Check the weight and size recommendations on the label, then have your child try it on to make sure it fits snugly. Inflatable vests and arm devices such as water wings are not adequate protection against drowning.

Protect from the sun with waterproof sunscreen

Don’t forget the sunscreen and reapply often, especially if the children are getting wet. UV sunglasses, hats, and protective clothing also can help provide sun protection.

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

With summer weather and its fun-filled activities around the corner, it is important to be aware of the causes and signs of dehydration in children. A combination of high and low impact movement facilitates water evaporation from our bodies. While a regular diet maintains healthy levels of salts and fluid that evaporates, our bodies can experience a chemical imbalance when exercise causes excessive sweating. This chemical imbalance can sometimes lead to dehydration, which can be dangerous for our children. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include a dry or sticky mouth, few or no tears when crying, eyes that look sunken, dry and cool skin, unusual irritability, drowsiness or dizziness; and in babies, the soft spot on top of the head appears sunken or fewer wet diapers than usual.

If you think your child is showing signs of early dehydration, you should act immediately. Children who are mildly dehydrated because of activity will be thirsty and should drink as much as they want. Plain water is the best option. They should rest in a cool, shaded spot until the lost fluid is replaced. A breastfed infant should continue to be nursed, even during rehydration, unless repeated vomiting occurs. Do not give a dehydrated child, soda, ginger ale, tea, fruit juice, gelatin desserts, or chicken broth. These don’t have the right mix of sugar and salts and can make the dehydration worse. Older children who are dehydrated can have sports drinks, but an oral rehydration solution (ORS) is best for young children and infants.

However, some dehydrated children do not improve when given an ORS, especially if they experience persistent bowel movements that are forceful or are often vomiting. When fluid losses cannot be replaced for these or other reasons, children might need to get intravenous (IV) fluids in the hospital. If you’re treating your child for dehydration at home and feel that there’s no improvement or that the dehydration is getting worse, call your doctor immediately or take your child to the nearest emergency room.

At Heaven’s Elect, we take precautions to assure your young loved ones remain comfortable and hydrated, especially on hot summer days. Our procedures to help with help with dehydration include:

  • Children under 1 do not drink water unless we receive a doctor’s note.
  • Children 1 to 3 years of age have sippy cups in the room and are given drinks upon request.
  • Children 4 years of age and up to school age children bring in their own water bottles or we supply cups. They also have complete access to the two drinking fountains within the facility.
  • Supply children with hats to help keep them cooler in our warm summer days.
Gardening with Children

Gardening can be a daunting task to some, but it doesn’t have to be intimidating. It also doesn’t require a perfectly flat, large, sunny backyard. For example, you can plant in a small raised bed or existing landscaping. If you don’t have a lot of outdoor space, a few containers of soil in a sunny spot can be an easy way to grow herbs or sweet cherry tomatoes. We all know eating vegetables is good for you. In addition to the health benefit to your child’s body, planting a garden can also positively affect your child’s mind and soul.

How gardening can affect the brain

There is a myriad of scientific concepts you can discuss with your kids when planting and tending to a garden. The wonder of seeing a garden grow may spark questions like: Why do the plants need sun? How does the plant “drink” water? Why are worms good for the plants? You can add a little math to gardening by measuring how much plants are growing from week to week or counting the flowers on each plant.

How gardening can affect the body

When children participate in gardening, the fruits and vegetables that they are inspired to eat will have a positive effect on their body. But the physical act of gardening can also promote a healthy body. In fact, getting dirty while gardening may strengthen a child’s immunity and overall health, countering the adverse effects of compulsively keeping children’s hands sanitized. With the growth of childhood obesity and overuse of digital devices, the benefits of physical activity and sunshine are evident. Activities like moving soil, carrying a watering can, and digging in the dirt can promote motor skills and overall strength for a more fit body. Plus, these activities, known as “heavy work,” have been shown to help kids stay calm and focused.

How gardening can affect the soul

In this electronic age, children need time for meaningful family connection. Time in the garden allows for team building and promotes communication skills. Making sure that the plants get enough fertilizer, water and sun fosters mindfulness and responsibility.

How to Help Children Understand and Manage Feelings

Learning how to manage feelings is an integral part of children’s social and emotional development and overall well-being. Helping them understand that having different feelings is normal and naming the feelings they experience can help alleviate the anxiety from not knowing how to manage their own emotions. Here are a two fundamental ways parents and caregivers can help children deal with confusing emotions:

Before we can learn how to control feelings, we first have to recognize them. You can help your children identify feelings by acknowledging them when you see them and giving them labels: happy, sad, excited, frustrated, angry, embarrassed, and others. Learning to name feelings helps children express them without having to act them out.

Children learn how to manage their feelings best when they hear adults and peers using words to express them and when they are encouraged to use the same words. Learning to talk about how they are feeling helps children understand that they can have emotions without being controlled by them. Here’s a hint – talking about complicated feelings is usually best tried after the emotions have calmed down a bit, and when children, parents, and caregivers are more relaxed.

Learning to cope with feelings helps children manage their behavior at school and home. It helps them relate to others and feel better about themselves. At home try using “feeling words” when you talk with children about everyday situations: “You scored a goal! How exciting was that!” or “It’s pretty disappointing that your friend can’t play with you today.” Then invite children to describe their feelings: “How did you feel when…?”

At Heaven’s Elect, we provide a nurturing, safe and positive atmosphere for all of our children to learn how to manage new social situations and emotions.

Facts About the Flu

If you’re like many households, you’re working hard to prevent the flu from infecting your family. At Heaven’s Elect, we do our best to keep our environment clean, so your little ones remain healthy. The following are insights from a nurse to help better understand what to do if our loved ones catch the flu.

Viruses, like the flu, typically run seven to fourteen days and cannot be treated with specific antibiotics. It must run its course. During the duration, you may experience a slight fever, chills, severe headache, sore throat, chest congestion, nasal congestion, coughing, sneezing, severe weakness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and body aches. Even if you’ve received the flu vaccine, you are still susceptible to getting the flu. This year’s vaccine is only 10% effective. If you are feeling “fluish,” it’s vital to remain indoors and rest. Do not go out into public and spread the germs.

If you contact your primary care doctor or urgent care at first, understand there is little they can do to help at this time. If you experience fever, headache, and body aches, over-the-counter medication, such as Tylenol, Advil, Motrin or Aleve can help. Remember to read bottles carefully to avoid overdosing, or over-treating as some flu medicines already have Tylenol (Acetaminophen) in them.  Home remedies such as vapor rubs, vapor humidifiers, essential oils, and hot showers can help too.

If over-the-counter medication is ineffective, your physician may prescribe medication for severe coughing, vomiting or diarrhea. Antibiotics may be needed if you develop a secondary lung infection. If you have shortness of breath, are not able to keep down fluids for 24 hours, have persistent liquid stools accompanied by dizziness, fast heart rate, or low blood pressure go to the ER immediately.

Fluid intake is critical. Hot liquids and soups are useful, but milk products may thicken mucus and worsen coughs. If the color of your urine is darker than usual, you need to increase your liquid intake.

The following are Heaven’s Elect’s procedures if a child should become ill while under our care during the day:

Parents are notified when a caregiver notices a change in the child’s health, eating habits, temperament, accident, injury, or if a child is too ill to remain in a group. If a parent can’t be reached, the emergency contact person is notified.

We will place children that are too ill to stay in a group in a separate area, and they will be cared for until the parent arrives.

Children are sent home with green discharge out of the eyes, nose, or ears.

Children are sent home with anything over a low-grade fever of 100.5 degrees.

When a communicable disease is evident at the center, parents are notified as to what the condition is and what the symptoms are. A 24-hour symptom-free form is given to the parent and implemented.  There are times a doctor’s note is required before the child can come back to the facility.

Items used to care for the ill child are washed, rinsed, and sanitized before any other child uses them.

Classrooms are sanitized twice daily and any item that has been in a child’s mouth is put in a washbasin to be sanitized at a later time.

We are required to send children outside every day, weather permitting. If your child is too sick to go outside, then they are too ill to be at the facility.