Back to School Supplies Checklist for Daycare

With school back in full swing, many young children are entering daycare for the first time. While this can be a stressful experience (see our blogs on making daycare easier for parents and for children), having all the right supplies will give you peace of mind. While Heaven’s Elect takes great care to keep a host of supplies for every eventuality, no one knows your child and their needs like you do!


Before bringing any item from home, it is important to remember to label everything. From clothes to snacks to diapers and more, other parents will be packing the same items for their children, and labeling will prevent mix-ups.

Food and Snacks

We supply food and snacks, but if your child prefers certain snacks, feel free to pack them. This will make daycare transition easier for your child, make them more comfortable, and make daycare more fun. This is especially helpful for babies or children with allergies or special nutritional requirements. Please keep in mind that Heaven’s Elect is a peanut-free facility, so snacks cannot contain peanuts.

Extra Clothes

Regardless of the age of your child, sometimes accidents happen. When you pack an extra set of clothes, these little setbacks won’t be a problem and your child can go right back to playtime. Once again, be sure to label clothing with your child’s name on the tags.


Heaven’s Elect does not supply diapers. Parents should pack diapers for their children as well as diaper cream, powder, or any other additions.


Over 24 months: Children over 24 months receive 2% milk. This is supplied by Heavens Elect. However, if your child has a milk allergy we ask that you supply us with the milk of choice. Obviously, labeling is a must to make sure the correct milk gets to the appropriate child. The label should consist of name of child, date, and what type of milk it is if it’s not in its original container. You may purchase a half gallon of milk and leave it the daycare.

Under 24 months: Parents are to supply us with formula or breast milk up until the time the child can drink vitamin D milk. To comply with Michigan state licensing laws breast milk or formula must be supplied fresh daily.  The lead teacher in your child’s room will provide labeling instructions.

Safety Blanket

For safety reasons, no blankets, pillows nor any other items are placed in cribs with infants under one year old. Instead, we recommend a sleep sack, which zips in the front. Children over one year of age should bring blankets and pillows for naptime. For easy storage, make sure that these items fit into a pillowcase.

With these supplies, your child will be ready for a fun and successful day at daycare. Even if your child has already started daycare, it’s never too late to add an extra item or two. To learn more about the great start your child will have at Heaven’s Elect Daycare, give us a call or send us a message.

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Helping Your Child Be Themselves and Thrive

When a child feels comfortable being themselves, they are happier, they learn better, and they are more likely to succeed. If a child feels like they have to change themselves to “fit in” it can quickly result in anger and alienation. Every child has unique gifts that they bring to the world and helping your child to be themselves while still “fitting in” will give them confidence and strength. Heaven’s Elect makes every effort to help children let their unique gifts shine.

Different Is Good

If a child sticks out from the crowd, either from what they like to wear, the way that they act, their interests, appearance, or something else, parents often worry it will make them a victim of bullying. In an effort to make childhood easier for their children, adults often discourage anything that might be different. But being different is good! Every child is unique and reassuring chidren that they are special, not odd, will give them the confidence that they need to stand up to bullies instead of hiding themselves.

Encourage Talents

A child’s personality and behavior will make them better suited to some activities more than others. A child with high energy and lots of enthusiasm may be especially good at sports. Children that work well in groups and are very social may prefer group activities like clubs or community projects. Children that work better alone may prefer working with technology, art projects, reading or writing. While high energy, a high social need, or a tendency towards solitude can be seen as detrimental in some ways, these attributes also help to make the child better suited towards other talents and activities.

Be Free to Express

In their formative years, children are just learning how to socialize, learn, and play, but they are also developing a unique personality. Children may express themselves through clothing, decorations around their bedrooms, art projects, dancing, or other activities. When children are encouraged to express themselves, they gain confidence and a sense of individuality, which will help them later in life.

Children are a gift and each one is special. At Heaven’s Elect children can feel safe and confident in being themselves. They will start to cultivate their interests and talents, and start on a path towards great things.

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Taking the Scare Out of Daycare—For Children

Regardless of your child’s age when they enter daycare, baby steps are key to an easy transition. Babies and toddlers thrive on routines, and a disruption to their regular schedule will cause stress. However, parents can minimize this stress—for themselves and their children—by introducing daycare slowly and making the right preparations. When children are familiar with some aspects of daycare, the unfamiliar aspects will seem less frightening.

Daycare should be framed as a positive experience. Young children, even babies, sense and understand when a parent is anxious, and taking time to cope with personal obstacles will help parents ease the transitions for their children. Emphasize that daycare will be fun, and project happiness and excitement. Even if the child is too young to fully understand, they will understand moods and behaviors. See our previous blog for parents making the transition to help ease your fears.

Unknowns are innately frightening to all humans, but even a small amount of familiarization can go a long way in terms of comfort and security. If possible, adjust a walking route to walk by the daycare center and take time to show your child the building. Arrange a playdate or an afternoon at the park that is close to the daycare center.

Since routines play such an important role in a child’s life, it is important to strictly follow these schedules. Even when children cannot tell time, they will know if you are late by the activities going on around them. Arrive at the same time and pick your child up at the same time and he or she will feel a sense of order, safety, and confidence.

Even if you are in a hurry, it is important to give your child a gentle transition each time they arrive at daycare. Tell them where you are going, assure them that you will be back, and give them a hug and a kiss. While adding to a constructed, secure routine, this also shows the child that everything is normal and reinforces their trust.

Most children show a strong preference for a few favorite items, whether it is a special blanket, a stuffed animal, a sippy cup, or a special toy. Being separated from these items creates unnecessary stress, while bringing them along will further reassure them. This again reduces the strangeness of a new place, reinforces a routine, and shows them that they are not very far away from home.

Pack items for daycare the night before and make sure that you have everything you need, including any medicines your child needs, snacks, toys, blankets, extra clothing, sunscreen, outdoor gear, and diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles and milk for babies. Looking around for lost items and running late creates stress and anxiety for parents and children, while a full stock of necessities will ensure you and your child are confident and well-prepared.

The experienced, knowledgeable daycare teachers at Heaven’s Elect are here to help you child make an easy transition into daycare. We know that this is a difficult time for many children, but we are here to help! Contact us to learn more about our facility, the skills your child can gain from daycare, and arrange a visit.

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Helping Children Make Friends

For many children, daycare is the first opportunity to play with other children their own age and practice essential social skills. Children who develop these skills early on have a better chance of forging strong connections with peers in school, which is a key part of their overall happiness and success. Teachers and parents can help children develop these skills at a young age, and daycare is the perfect place to start.

Facilitate Interaction
Daycare teachers help to facilitate interactions by making a communal space with toys that everyone can use and activities that everyone takes part in. This requires that children learn to share and play together in a fair, reciprocal manner, which are essential parts of making friends. Parents can also facilitate these interactions during playdates where toys are all shared in the living room, backyard, or another open space.

Resolving Conflict
Inevitably, a child will feel at some point that they are not treated fairly or that they are being excluded. But these conflicts are good! In daycare, children can learn to talk through problems in a safe environment, with teachers close by, and they can get support if they are not being heard.

If your child is having a tough time, listening is often the best tool. Be sympathetic to your child’s obstacles, but encourage them to come up with solutions on their own. Ask them how they interact with other children and, if the strategy isn’t working, ask them what they can do differently to change the situation. If they are struggling with the situation, give suggestions that will point them in the right direction, while still enabling their independent problem-solving skills.

Overcoming Shyness
Children that are nervous about saying hello or asking to be included may need more support. If you notice that your child is often alone or complains that they aren’t making friends, show them how. Use a role-playing scenario to help your child practice saying hello and asking to be included. At this age, a simple ‘hello’ goes a long way.

Calming Down
On the opposite side, some children are louder, more energetic, and their personalities may dominate other children. In this case, the child may need extra coaching and encouragement to ensure they allow their friends to be heard. Encouraging sharing, reminding children to listen, and demonstrating behaviors that put others first will promote empathy and help the child to consider others without changing their natural exuberance.

Heaven’s Elect ensures that every child is included and watches each child carefully to make sure that any bullying or exclusion is stopped right away. Making friends is one of the most enjoyable parts of childhood and we are proud to see children develop these friendships every day.

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5 Tips to Teach Children to Share

The concept of sharing and the virtues of generosity are not innate gifts. In fact, sharing goes against humans’ survival instincts and instead relies on social cues. Therefore, sharing is a learned behavior, and children learn to share—or not to share—early on. Sharing is also an essential social skill, allowing children to fit in with their peers. Everyone in a child’s life, from parents to siblings to daycare teachers, can teach children this valuable skill and it is never too early to start.

1) When to Share?
Not everything can or should be shared, and a child does not innately know when or what is ok to share. Tell them. Stress the importance of sharing in different situations and show how sharing can make others around the child happy. The best time to start is at home, when children are playing with siblings or neighbors, or even something as simple as sharing a snack with you.

2) Reward Sharing Behavior
Sharing should not be a chore, it should be fun. Show how delighted you are when your child shares, and tell them what a good job they’ve done, how kind they are, and that they are well-liked by their peers. If possible, give your child a special reward that is just theirs, such a toy or extra snack, to show them that sharing is good.

3) Make Sure There is Enough
If snacks, toys, crayons, stickers or whatever children are sharing are scarce, it’s difficult for a child to share. Scarcity brings up that innate survival instinct, even if the item is not essential, and this presents a frustrating dilemma for any child. Make sure there is always enough for every child and sharing will be easier.

4) Lead by Example
Children mimic their parents, older siblings, grandparents, daycare teachers and other role models. They won’t overlook moments where you share with them or others. They will also notice any possessive behaviors you show. Whenever there is an opportunity to share, take advantage of it and emphasize again the importance of generosity.

5) What Does Your Child Struggle With?
Every child is different and some children may pick up sharing very easily, while others might be more possessive. Others might be too passive and have things taken from them easily, and they may need to know how to set boundaries. Give your child rewards and teachable moments based on their unique needs.

When your child learns sharing behaviors early on, they will make friends more easily and they will not be stressed when it’s time to work or play in groups. Heaven’s Elect helps children to learn to share in a safe environment and rewards positive behaviors so these skills are easy and fun to learn at an early age.

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Taking the Scare out of Daycare—For Parents

Daycare can be scary. And we’re not talking about separation anxiety that children sometimes face—oftentimes, children adjust to daycare much easier than their parents! After you’ve cared for your child at every step and been there for every smile and tear, the prospect of leaving them for even a moment is scary. However, daycare can be an overwhelming positive experience for your child, and many of the concerns that parents have about daycare are not problems at quality facilities. Many parents share the same concerns about daycare facilities, and we are happy to report that, at Heaven’s Elect, there’s no need to fear!

It Just Isn’t Clean!
With children sharing toys, sharing classrooms, and sharing teachers, they are bound to also share germs. While more children does mean more germs, it also means much more cleaning. Daycare teachers want to prevent the spread of illness as much as you do and that is why we clean and sanitize every surface, every toy, every pen, pencil, marker and every hand as often as possible. This means germs are eradicated between every playtime, naptime, snacktime, after kids go home and before school starts again in the morning. Quality daycare facilities are exceptionally clean and teachers take great care to keep them that way.

What if My Child is Bullied?
If your child is especially quiet, shy, small, or passive, you may fear they will be bullied. Whenever children play together, there will inevitably be disputes, but daycare teachers monitor kids constantly to ensure that these disputes are resolved in a positive way. Children that may be prone to being bullied—and those that may become bullies—are watched especially carefully, so teachers can intervene immediately. When children learn to confidently resolve disputes during their formative years, they are less likely to be bullied, become bullies and passively allow bullying later in life.

If Something Happens, I Won’t Be There.
It’s a parent’s job to think about and plan for the worst-case scenario. But when it comes to your child’s safety, there is no better place for them than daycare. With constant adult supervision and systematic safety procedures for every eventuality, there is nothing that could happen that daycare teachers won’t see, nor anything that will catch us off-guard. Daycare teachers are trained to address illnesses, injuries and accidents quickly and without panic. With multiple phone numbers and ways to reach you close at hand, you will be notified immediately.

Sending your child to daycare does not have to be scary. Take a look at our post on Getting the Most Out of Daycare to see other ways you can get to know your child’s daycare facility. If you have questions, we are happy to put your mind at ease. Contact us and we can give you more information about Heaven’s Elect, and answer any questions you may have.

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5 Tips to Get the Most Out of your Daycare

Your child will spend hours a day at their daycare center and this experience can enrich their lives and help them grow. By taking a few simple steps, you can give your child a supportive platform to start an enriching daycare experience. This will not only help them prepare for school but it will also help them build independence, forge long-lasting friendships, strengthen their confidence, and give them invaluable social skills.

Choose Carefully

Just as you take great care in selecting your child’s school, it is equally important to research daycare options. Look for daycare that emphasizes values that you agree with, age-appropriate education, socializing and playtime, and personal care. This not only ensures that your child is in a positive, constructive environment, but also ensures they will receive the attention they need and deserve.

Get to Know the Teachers

Your child’s daycare teacher is a very important person in their life. The daycare teacher is not only responsible for your child’s health and wellness, but also for nurturing their minds and soul. Spend a few minutes before or after school or during extracurricular functions to talk with your child’s daycare teacher. This will help them to get to know your child better and recognize any help or extra attention they may require.

Get to Know Other Parents

Children in daycare tend to come from similar neighborhoods and will probably attend the same schools later. This means the other children your son or daughter interacts with may become their dear friends. The best way to get to know the other children is to get to know other parents. Talk to other parents and arrange playdates between children to get more familiar with your child’s new friends.

Don’t Rush

Pick-up and drop-off times are a great opportunity to socialize with teachers and other parents. Arriving early to pick up and drop off will not only give you plenty of time to see your child off, but will also allow you to talk with teachers and other parents. If your child is struggling, having great success, making new friends, or showing new skills or talents, this is a great time to find out.

Something to Rely On

If your child is suffering from separation anxiety, give them something familiar to make the separation less jarring. A blanket, toy or stuffed animal might do the trick, and packing their favorite snacks will turn daycare into a treat instead of a challenge.

Call or visit Heaven’s Elect to learn more about our daycare center and find out if this is the right choice for your son or daughter. Whatever daycare center you choose, make sure your child has a positive experience and don’t forget to ask them what they think too!

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